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Easily Attract More Customers with Google Business Profile Optimization

Are You Missing Out on Reviews and Referrals Without a Google Business Profile? Wanna know what drives me crazy?  Quite often, I’m trying to write something nice about a business and I can’t find a place to write a review.  The best places for reviews are Yelp and Google Business Profiles. Yet, thousands of local,…

Bullseye held up by group of people in shadow at sunrise

Make Small Business Goal-setting Easier and Less Daunting

Or, how to set goals for small business without losing your mind! It’s early January 2025, and we’re off to the races with small business goal-setting, planning, and New Year’s resolutions. Sheesh!  Is your head spinning, yet? For many of us-especially those with ADHD-this can feel incredibly overwhelming. If that’s you, you’re not alone. The…